Our design team custom-sketch for you, or you can always choose from our existing collection. Then we translate them into digital code for production.
Selected quality yarns are warped with the top-of-the-notch high-tech machinery. This ensures even beaming for fast, precise knitting.
The core of our process is the knitting. Latest technology German warp-knitting machines, operated by our experts, guarantees high quality fabric. Our complete range of knitting suits your every textile needs.
A complete set of processing equipment gives you colorful products. Find any specification you want in our comprehensive color kitchen. Not just color, but also handling, stretch, tensile strength, endurance, etc.
Moving on to the real-scale processing. We translate the recipe from the color kitchen to a larger scale, with a careful supervision and monitoring.
High-tech precision chemical dispenser in the dye-house minimizes human error in the recipes scaling.
Finished goods are inspected by careful eyes for flaws and unwanted objects. So we only deliver flawless products.